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MICRO SEX OFFICE (2011) BluRay Moviester
| at 6:40 AM

Info: [HK-Movie]Release Date: 2011
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Sui-man Chim, Koni Lui, Harriet Yang, Kai-tai Di, Zhi-jian Deng, Jacqueline Chong, Bonnie Wong, Michelle Yeung, Hoi-tai Chak
Quality: BluRay 720p
Source: BluRay 720p x264 DTS-HDChina
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
Who says the workplace has to be dull and boring? Hong Kong’s top comedian Jim Chim adapts his popular stage show MicroSex Office for a big-screen incarnation that is decidedly wilder, sexier, and way more hilarious! Bringing back his disciples Harriet Yeung and Tyson Chak (the fan-favorite stars of the stage version), Jim and his co-director Lee Kung Lok (My Ex-Wife’s Wedding) put a brand-new story arc over the episodic nature of the original gag show. With comedy master Wong Jing as producer, the movie version promises tons of outrageously funny dirty jokes in addition to plenty of eye-candies in the form of alluring actresses DaDa Chan, Koni Lui, Jacqueline Chong, Yedda Chao, Taiwan heartthrob Chen Zhi Ming, and twin rockers Soler.
Once upon a time in Hong Kong, there’s this traditional medicine oil company that has come seriously close to bankruptcy. However, its bored-stiff staff – the mean manager Ben Chow (Jim Chim), sleazy Tyson (Tyson Chak), love-deficient Hatou (Harriet Yeung), and clueless newbie Rachel (Koni Lui) – has nothing better to do than fantasizing about all kinds of sexual escapades in their cold drab little cubicles. Thankfully, their company is taken over by an adult toy enterprise from China, and their wet dreams come true when four delectable new coworkers (Yedda Chao, Jacqueline Chong, DaDa Chan, and Chen Zhi Ming) come to jazz up their office life!
Cerita Singkat:
Who says the workplace has to be dull and boring? Hong Kong’s top comedian Jim Chim adapts his popular stage show MicroSex Office for a big-screen incarnation that is decidedly wilder, sexier, and way more hilarious! Bringing back his disciples Harriet Yeung and Tyson Chak (the fan-favorite stars of the stage version), Jim and his co-director Lee Kung Lok (My Ex-Wife’s Wedding) put a brand-new story arc over the episodic nature of the original gag show. With comedy master Wong Jing as producer, the movie version promises tons of outrageously funny dirty jokes in addition to plenty of eye-candies in the form of alluring actresses DaDa Chan, Koni Lui, Jacqueline Chong, Yedda Chao, Taiwan heartthrob Chen Zhi Ming, and twin rockers Soler.
Once upon a time in Hong Kong, there’s this traditional medicine oil company that has come seriously close to bankruptcy. However, its bored-stiff staff – the mean manager Ben Chow (Jim Chim), sleazy Tyson (Tyson Chak), love-deficient Hatou (Harriet Yeung), and clueless newbie Rachel (Koni Lui) – has nothing better to do than fantasizing about all kinds of sexual escapades in their cold drab little cubicles. Thankfully, their company is taken over by an adult toy enterprise from China, and their wet dreams come true when four delectable new coworkers (Yedda Chao, Jacqueline Chong, DaDa Chan, and Chen Zhi Ming) come to jazz up their office life!
Cerita Singkat:
Siapa bilang kerja itu harus menjemukan dan membosankan?Atas komedian Hong Kong Jim Chim menyesuaikan panggungpopuler menunjukkan Kantor MicroSex untuk inkarnasi layar besar yang jelas liar, seksi, dan cara yang lebih lucu! Membawa kembali murid-muridnya Harriet Yeung dan Tyson Chak(kipas-favorit bintang versi panggung), Jim dan co-sutradaraLee Kung Lok (Pernikahan My Ex-Istri) menempatkan merekbaru cerita busur terhadap sifat episodik asli gag menunjukkan.Dengan menguasai komedi Wong Jing sebagai produser, versi film janji ton lelucon kotor sangat lucu di samping banyakmata-permen dalam bentuk memikat aktris Dada Chan, KoniLui, Jacqueline Chong, Yedda Chao, Taiwan Chen Zhi MingHeartthrob, dan twin rocker Soler.
Sekali waktu di Hong Kong, ada ini perusahaan minyak obat tradisional yang telah datang serius mendekati kebangkrutan.Namun, bosan-pegal stafnya - manajer berarti Ben Chow (JimChim), Tyson curang (Tyson Chak), cinta-kekurangan Hatou(Harriet Yeung), dan clueless pemula Rachel (Koni Lui) - tidak ada yang lebih baik untuk dilakukan daripada berfantasi tentang segala macam petualangan seksual dalam bilik-bilik kecil mereka dingin menjemukan. Untungnya, perusahaan merekadiambil alih oleh perusahaan mainan dewasa dari Cina, danmimpi basah mereka terwujud ketika empat rekan kerja baruyang lezat (Yedda Chao, Jacqueline Chong, Dada Chan, dan Chen Zhi Ming) datang untuk meramaikan kehidupan kantormereka!
Sekali waktu di Hong Kong, ada ini perusahaan minyak obat tradisional yang telah datang serius mendekati kebangkrutan.Namun, bosan-pegal stafnya - manajer berarti Ben Chow (JimChim), Tyson curang (Tyson Chak), cinta-kekurangan Hatou(Harriet Yeung), dan clueless pemula Rachel (Koni Lui) - tidak ada yang lebih baik untuk dilakukan daripada berfantasi tentang segala macam petualangan seksual dalam bilik-bilik kecil mereka dingin menjemukan. Untungnya, perusahaan merekadiambil alih oleh perusahaan mainan dewasa dari Cina, danmimpi basah mereka terwujud ketika empat rekan kerja baruyang lezat (Yedda Chao, Jacqueline Chong, Dada Chan, dan Chen Zhi Ming) datang untuk meramaikan kehidupan kantormereka!
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