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The Conspirator (2010) BluRay 720p 650MB
| at 8:48 AM

Release Date: 15 April 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Robin Wright, James McAvoy and Tom Wilkinson
Quality: BluRay 720p
Encoder: SayFull@Ganool
Source: 720p BluRay X264-AMIABLE
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
In the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, seven men and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to kill the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary of State. The lone woman charged, Mary Surratt, 42, owns a boarding house where John Wilkes Booth and others met and planned the simultaneous attacks. Against the ominous back-drop of post-Civil War Washington, newly-minted lawyer, Frederick Aiken, a 28-year-old Union war-hero, reluctantly agrees to defend Surratt before a military tribunal. As the trial unfolds, Aiken realizes his client may be innocent and that she is being used as bait and hostage in order to capture the only conspirator to have escaped a massive manhunt, her own son.
In the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, seven men and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to kill the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary of State. The lone woman charged, Mary Surratt, 42, owns a boarding house where John Wilkes Booth and others met and planned the simultaneous attacks. Against the ominous back-drop of post-Civil War Washington, newly-minted lawyer, Frederick Aiken, a 28-year-old Union war-hero, reluctantly agrees to defend Surratt before a military tribunal. As the trial unfolds, Aiken realizes his client may be innocent and that she is being used as bait and hostage in order to capture the only conspirator to have escaped a massive manhunt, her own son.
Di tengah pembunuhan Abraham Lincoln, tujuh pria dan satu wanita ditangkap dan didakwa dengan bersekongkol untuk membunuh Presiden, Wakil Presiden, dan Sekretaris Negara.Wanita satunya dibebankan, Maria Surratt, 42, memiliki sebuah rumah kos di mana John Wilkes Booth dan lain bertemu danmerencanakan serangan simultan. Menentang menakutkankembali-drop pasca-Perang Sipil Washington, baru-dicetakpengacara, Frederick Aiken, 28 tahun Uni perang-pahlawan,enggan setuju untuk membela Surratt sebelum pengadilan militer. Sebagai percobaan terungkap, Aiken menyadarikliennya mungkin tidak bersalah dan bahwa dia digunakan sebagai umpan dan sandera untuk menangkap komplotanhanya memiliki lolos dari peristiwa pemburuan besar-besaran,anaknya sendiri.
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