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THE RUM DIARY (2011) BRRip 720p FREE
| at 12:43 AM
Quality: BRRip 720p x264-SPARKS
Release Date: 28 October 2011
Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0376136/
IMDB Rating: 6.7/10
Stars: Johnny Depp, Giovanni Ribisi and Aaron Eckhart
Genres: Comedy | Drama | Romance | Thriller
Subtitle: Indonesia
Hidup Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) sendiri memang sudah tak teratur. Entah sudah berapa kali ia pindah tempat tinggal. Sekarang pun New York sudah tak membuat Paul betah. Saat itu Amerika sedang di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Eisenhower dan Paul Kemp menganggap sudah tak ada harapan lagi buat tinggal di negeri ini. Saat muncul peluang untuk menjadi jurnalis di sebuah harian terbitan Puerto Rico, segera saja Paul mengambil kesempatan ini. Paul tak tahu kalau di Puerto Rico nanti ia bakal menghadapi tantangan terbesar sepanjang hidupnya. Puerto Rico ternyata jauh dari bayangan yang ada di kepala Paul Kemp. The San Juan Star pun jauh dari bayangan Paul Kemp tentang sebuah koran. Mau tak mau Paul harus beradaptasi. Hidup di Puerto Rico memang serba gila. Aturan nyaris tak ada tapi sepertinya Paul Kemp tak akan kesulitan dengan cara hidup seperti ini. Dalam waktu singkat Paul sudah beradaptasi. Paul hanyut. Ia mulai tak bisa mengendalikan dirinya. Di saat yang sama ia juga sadar kalau ini adalah titik kritis dalam hidupnya.
Paul harus mulai bangkit atau ia akan selamanya hanyut dalam berbotol-botol minuman keras yang ia minum setiap harinya. Ini masih belum seberapa karena saat itu juga ada seorang wanita cantik bernama Chenault (Amber Heard) yang membuatnya tergila-gila. Sanggupkah Paul Kemp mengatasi semua masalahnya? Haruskah ia tinggal di Puerto Rico selamanya, atau New York sebenarnya bukanlah tempat yang buruk untuk menjalani sisa hidup?
The Rum Diary ini diangkat dari sebuah novel berjudul sama yang ditulis oleh Hunter S. Thompson yang kebetulan adalah sahabat dekat Johnny Depp. Proyek ini sendiri sempat harus berjalan tersendat-sendat sampai akhirnya Depp mengambil alih proyek dan mulai syuting di awal tahun 2009 lalu.
Sinopsis English:
Living Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) himself had been irregular. I do not know how many times he moved away. Now even New York hasnot made Paul feel at home. At that time America was under theleadership of President Eisenhower and Paul Kemp thought it washopeless to make living in this country. When the opportunity arisesto be a journalist at a daily issue of Puerto Rico, Paul was soon to take this opportunity. Paul did not know that in Puerto Rico later hewill face the biggest challenge of his life. Puerto Rico was far from the shadows at the head of Paul Kemp. The San Juan Star was farfrom the shadow of Paul Kemp on a newspaper. Paul inevitablyhave to adapt. Living in Puerto Rico is completely insane. There are hardly any rules but it seems like Paul Kemp will have no difficultywith this way of life. In a short time Paul has been adapted. Pauldrifts. He started could not control himself. At the same time he alsorealized that this is a critical point in his life.
Paul had to start up or he will be forever lost in bottles of liquor thathe drank every day. It's still not the worst because there was also a beautiful woman named Chenault (Amber Heard) who made himcrazy. Can Paul Kemp solve all his problems? Should he stay inPuerto Rico permanently, or New York is actually not a bad place tolive the rest of life?
The Rum Diary is based on a novel the same title written by HunterS. Thompson was a close friend who happened to Johnny Depp.This project alone could have walked haltingly until Depp took over the project and begin shooting in early 2009.
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