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Quality: BRRip 720p x264-CHD
Bruce Lee (original title)
Release Date: 25 November 2010 (Hong Kong)
IMDB Rating: 6.6/10
Stars: Tony Leung Ka Fai, Aarif Rahman and Christy Chung
Genres: Biography | Drama
Subtitle: Indonesia
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Sejak masih muda Bruce Lee (Aarif Lee) memang sudah punya bakat pemberontak. Bruce muda memang tak pernah lepas dari perkelahian. Hampir setiap hari Bruce Lee selalu terlibat perkelahian sampai-sampai ayahnya terpaksa mengirimnya ke Amerika agar ia Bruce tak lagi terlibat perkelahian di jalanan.

Saat masih di Hong Kong, Bruce Lee bersahabat baik dengan Kong dan Unicorn (Jin Au-yeung). Sayangnya persahabatan ini harus rusak gara-gara seorang wanita yang masuk ke dalam kehidupan Bruce. Masalah jadi bertambah pelik saat Bruce dan Unicorn menyadari kalau Kong ternyata terlibat urusan narkotika. Terjebak di antara polisi dan mafia Hong Kong, tak ada pilihan lain buat ay`h Bruce selain mengirim anak muda ini ke Amerika Serikat.
Sinopsis English:
Since the young Bruce Lee (Aarif Lee) had been a rebellious flair.Young Bruce was never out of a fight. Almost every day Bruce Leewas always getting into fights to the point that his father had sent him to America so that he no longer Bruce got into a fight in the streets.

When I was in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee's best friends with Kong and the Unicorn (Jin Au-Yeung). Unfortunately this friendship must bebroken because of a woman who entered into the life of Bruce. The problem grew so complicated when Bruce and Unicorn wasrealized that Kong's involvement in narcotics. Caught between thepolice and the mafia Hong Kong, there was no other choice but to send for his father Bruce is a young child to the United States.