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Priest Of Evil (2010) BRRip XviD MOVIESTER
| at 7:23 AM

Genre: Olli Saarela|
Director: Olli Saarela |
Starring: Irina Björklund, Peter Franzén and Ville Virtanen
Size : 700 Mb
After a strange succession of deaths at Helsinki tube stations, the police are baffled: no one has seen anything and the tapes from the CCTV show nothing. Detective Sergeant Timo Harjunpaa of the Helsinki Violent Crimes Unit has seen more than enough of the seamier side of human nature in his career, but the forces of evil have never before crossed his path in such an overwhelming fashion.It emerges that his adversary is a deluded but dangerous character living in an underground bunker in the middle of an uninhabited Helsinki hillside. Detective Sergeant Harjunpaa must now face his most terrifying case yet..
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Setelah suksesi aneh kematian di stasiun tabung Helsinki, polisibingung: Tidak ada yang melihat sesuatu dan rekaman dari acaraCCTV tidak Detektif Sersan Timo Harjunpaa Unit HelsinkiKejahatan kekerasan telah melihat lebih dari cukup dari sisiseamier dari. sifat manusia dalam karirnya, tapi kekuatan jahatbelum pernah melintasi jalan-Nya sedemikian fashion.It besarmuncul bahwa lawannya adalah seorang karakter terdelusi tapi berbahaya di sebuah bunker bawah tanah di tengah sebuah bukitHelsinki berpenghuni. Detektif Sersan Harjunpaa sekarang harus menghadapi hal yang paling menakutkan namun ..
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