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Holy Flying Circus (2011) DVDRip 350MB
| at 5:12 AM

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1981637/
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Drama
Stars: Ben Crispin, Steve Punt and Charles Edwards
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
In 1979 the Monty Python comedy team return from making their film ‘Monty Python’s Life of Brian’ in Tunisia. Premiered in America the film is pilloried by ultra-right religious groups for its depiction of Christ. In England the Popular Peoples’ Church of St Sophia (whose members include a Tourettes sufferer who shouts out swear words) find a copy of the script in a dustbin and lobby the British censor for its suppression,leading to many local councils banning its screening. Death threats follow and Michael Palin – “the nicest man in Britain” – has his effigy burned on his front lawn. Finally crazed TV programmer Alan Dick persuades Palin and co-star John Cleese to defend the picture on a late night chat show against the Bishop of Southwark and religious commentator Malcolm Muggeridge. Thanks to Cleese’s reasoning the Pythons are seen to triumph,winning over the Popular Peoples’ Church…
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Pada tahun 1979 komedi Monty Python tim kembali dari membuat 'Life Monty Python Brian' film mereka di Tunisia.Perdana di Amerika film ini dipermalukan oleh ultra-kanankelompok agama untuk penggambaran Kristus. Di Inggris GerejaRakyat Populer 'dari St Sophia (yang anggotanya termasukseorang penderita Tourettes yang berteriak bersumpah kata)menemukan salinan naskah dalam tempat sampah dan lobiInggris sensor untuk menghancurkannya, yang mengarah kedewan lokal melarang skrining. Ancaman mati mengikuti dan Michael Palin - "manusia terbaik di Inggris" - memiliki patung itudibakar di halaman depan rumahnya. Akhirnya gila TVprogrammer Alan Dick membujuk Palin dan mainnya John Cleese untuk mempertahankan gambar pada sebuah acaraobrolan larut malam terhadap Uskup Southwark dan agamakomentator Malcolm Muggeridge. Berkat penalaran Cleese ituular yang terlihat menang, menang atas Gereja Rakyat Populer '...
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