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Perfect Sense (2011) DVDRip 350MB MOVIESTER
| at 10:36 PM

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1439572/
Release Date: 10 February 2012
Genre: Drama | Romance
Cast: Ewan McGregor, Eva Green and Connie Nielsen
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Eva Green plays Susan, an expert in epidemics who, after having her heart broken, sees a patient who has lost the ability to smell anything after an unexpected crying jag. Turns out there is a small percentage of people who are experiencing emotional upheavals and then losing one or more of their senses. As she begins to research this condition, she comes to understand that the malady threatens the entire world.
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Eva Green bermain Susan, seorang ahli dalam epidemi yang,setelah patah hati, melihat pasien yang telah kehilangankemampuan untuk mencium bau apa pun setelah ledakan tangisyang tak terduga. Ternyata ada sebagian kecil orang yang sedang mengalami pergolakan emosional dan kemudiankehilangan satu atau lebih dari indera mereka. Ketika ia mulaipenelitian kondisi ini, dia datang untuk memahami bahwapenyakit itu mengancam seluruh dunia.
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