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Dolphin Tale (2011) BluRay MOVIESTER
| at 12:26 AM

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1564349/
Release Date: 23 September 2011
Genre: Drama | Family
Stars: Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd and Harry Connick Jr.
Quality: BluRay 1080p
A lonely and friendless boy finds and untangles a hurt dolphin that is caught in a crab trap. He becomes very attached to the dolphin when the tail must be taken off to save the dolphin’s life. The boy believes the dolphin would be able to swim normally if it was given a prosthetic tail.
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Seorang anak laki-laki kesepian dan punya teman menemukan dan untangles lumba-lumbaterluka yang terjebak dalam perangkap kepiting. Dia menjadi sangat melekat pada lumba-lumba ketika ekor harus diambil untuk menghemat kehidupan lumba-lumba. Anak itupercaya lumba-lumba bisa berenang normal jika itu diberikan ekor palsu.
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