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| at 8:45 PM
Sinopsis :
When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.
Ketika awak Enterprise disebut kembali ke rumah, mereka menemukan sebuah kekuatan tak terbendung teror dari dalam organisasi mereka sendiri telah meledakkan armada dan segala sesuatu itu singkatan, meninggalkan dunia kita dalam keadaan krisis. Dengan skor pribadi untuk menyelesaikan, Kapten Kirk memimpin perburuan ke sebuah dunia zona perang untuk menangkap satu orang senjata pemusnah massal. Sebagai pahlawan kita yang didorong ke dalam permainan catur epik hidup dan mati, cinta akan ditantang, persahabatan akan terkoyak, dan pengorbanan harus dilakukan untuk satu-satunya keluarga Kirk telah meninggalkan: krunya.
Release Date: 16 May 2013 (USA)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Stars : Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana
Quality: CAM
Size: 550MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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Sinopsis :
The story takes place on planet Baab where admired astronaut Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) is a national hero to the blue alien population. A master of daring rescues, Scorch pulls off astonishing feats with the quiet aid of his nerdy brother, Gary (Rob Corddry), head of mission control at BASA.
Cerita terjadi di planet Baab mana mengagumi astronot hangus Supernova (Brendan Fraser) adalah pahlawan nasional bagi penduduk asing biru. Seorang guru berani menyelamatkan, hangus melepas prestasi yang menakjubkan dengan bantuan tenang saudara kutu buku, Gary (Rob Corddry), kepala kontrol misi di BASA.
Release Date: 15 February 2013 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Sci-Fi
Stars : Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba
Quality: BluRay 720p
Size: 650MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 8:33 PM
Sinopsis :
With much of the future world’s population rendered into an undead horde, R is a young, and oddly introspective, zombie. On a feeding encounter with a human gathering party, R meets Julie and feels an urge to protect her. What happens with that is the beginnings of a strangely warm relationship that causes R to start to regain his humanity. As this change spreads throughout the undead population, Julie and R eventually find they are facing a larger issue even as their friendship is challenged. Caught between the paranoid human forces and the ferocious Bonie zombies who are a mutual threat, R and Julie must find a way to bridge the sides for fight for a better world no one thought possible.
Dengan sebagian besar penduduk dunia masa depan yang diterjemahkan ke gerombolan mayat hidup, R adalah muda, dan anehnya introspektif, zombie. Pada pertemuan makan dengan pesta pertemuan manusia, R bertemu Julie dan merasa dorongan untuk melindunginya. Apa yang terjadi dengan itu adalah awal dari sebuah hubungan yang aneh hangat yang menyebabkan R untuk mulai mendapatkan kembali kemanusiaannya. Sebagai perubahan ini menyebar ke seluruh populasi mayat hidup, Julie dan R akhirnya menemukan bahwa mereka menghadapi masalah yang lebih besar bahkan persahabatan mereka ditantang. Terperangkap di antara kekuatan manusia paranoid dan Bonie zombie ganas yang merupakan ancaman bersama, R dan Julie harus menemukan cara untuk menjembatani sisi untuk berjuang untuk dunia yang lebih baik tidak ada yang berpikir mungkin.
Release Date: 1 February 2013 (USA)
Genre: Comedy | Horror | Romance
Stars : Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
Quality: 720p WEB-DL
ESize: 700MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 7:32 AM
Sinopsis :
After the first massacre in 1974, the townspeople suspected that the Sawyer family were responsible. A vigilante mob of enraged locals surrounded the Sawyer house, burning it to the ground and killing every last member of the family. Decades later a young woman named Heather learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her grandmother. she decides to bring her friends along on the road trip to invesitgate her inheritance. On arrival she uncovers she has inherited a mansion but is yet to uncover the terrors that lurk in the basement below it.
Setelah pembantaian pertama pada tahun 1974, warga kota menduga bahwa keluarga Sawyer bertanggung jawab. Sebuah massa main hakim sendiri penduduk setempat marah mengepung rumah Sawyer, membakarnya ke tanah dan membunuh setiap anggota terakhir dari keluarga. Puluhan tahun kemudian seorang wanita muda bernama Heather belajar bahwa dia telah mewarisi perkebunan Texas dari neneknya. dia memutuskan untuk membawa teman-temannya di sepanjang jalan perjalanan ke invesitgate warisannya. Pada kedatangan dia mengungkapkan dia telah mewarisi rumah tetapi belum mengungkap teror yang mengintai di ruang bawah tanah di bawahnya.
Release Date: 4 January 2013 (USA)
Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Stars : Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde and Scott Eastwood
Quality: BluRay 720p
Size: 700MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 7:22 AM
Sinopsis :
Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history and their town.
Ethan rindu untuk melarikan diri kota Southern kecilnya. Dia bertemu seorang gadis baru misterius, Lena. Bersama-sama, mereka menemukan rahasia gelap tentang keluarga masing-masing, sejarah mereka dan kota mereka.
Release Date: 14 February 2013 (USA)
Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Romance
Stars : Alice Englert, Viola Davis, Emma Thompson
Quality: BluRay 720p
Size: 900MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 7:12 AM
Sinopsis :
As the Barret family’s peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them.
Seperti kehidupan pinggiran kota keluarga Barret damai diguncang serangkaian meningkatnya kejadian mengganggu, mereka datang untuk belajar bahwa kekuatan menakutkan dan mematikan adalah setelah mereka.
Release Date: 22 February 2013 (USA)
Genre: Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Stars : Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo
Quality: BluRay 720p
Size: 700MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 8:48 PM
Sinopsis :
When her single mom runs off to California, Lauduree, a passionate environmentalist, clings to her rural home and a carbon sequestration experiment. But her grandmother Greta, a caustic nurse on the verge of moving in with her long-distance boyfriend, has other plans. Thrust into each other’s lives, the two women must learn to trust each other and leap into the unknown.
Ketika ibu tunggal nya kabur ke California, Lauduree, seorang ahli lingkungan yang penuh gairah, menempel ke rumah pedesaan dan percobaan penyerapan karbon. Tapi neneknya Greta, seorang perawat kaustik di ambang bergerak dengan pacar jarak jauhnya, memiliki rencana lain. Didorong masuk ke dalam kehidupan masing-masing, kedua wanita harus belajar untuk saling percaya dan melompat ke yang tidak diketahui.
Release Date: 29 April 2012 (USA)
Genre: Drama
Stars : Moriah Cebollero, Perla Haney-Jardine, Jessica Hoffman
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: SHQ@Ganool
Source: DVDRip.XviD.AC3-PTpOWe
Size: 450MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 6:20 AM
Sinopsis :
When Tony Stark’s world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
Release Date: 3 May 2013 (USA)
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Stars : Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce
Quality: CAM
Encoder Notes : Audio is HUNGARIAN
Size: 500MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 6:56 AM
Sinopsis :
The young and insane tech genius Ezekiel Stane has developed a new techno-organic armor that seemingly outclasses Iron Man. When Stane unleashes a terrorist attack during the launch of Tony Stark’s newest satellite, Iron Man is blamed. Now he must evade S.H.I.E.L.D.’s man hunt and find a way to clear his name.
cerita singkat:
Kaum muda dan gila teknologi jenius Yehezkiel Stane telah mengembangkan armor techno-organik baru yang tampaknya outclasses Iron Man. Ketika Stane merilis serangan teroris selama peluncuran satelit Tony Stark terbaru, Iron Man disalahkan. Sekarang dia harus menghindari SHIELD pria berburu dan menemukan cara untuk membersihkan namanya.
Release Date: 16 April 2013 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Action | Sci-Fi
Stars : Norman Reedus, Clare Grant, Matthew Mercer
Quality: 720p WEB-DL
Size: 650MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 6:44 AM
Sinopsis :
In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop Billy Taggart seeks redemption and revenge after being double-crossed and then framed by its most powerful figure: Mayor Nicholas Hostetler.
Di sebuah kota yang penuh dengan ketidakadilan, mantan polisi Billy Taggart berusaha penebusan dan balas dendam setelah dikhianati dan kemudian dibingkai oleh tokoh yang paling kuat: Walikota Nicholas Hostetler.
Release Date: 18 January 2013 (USA)
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Stars : Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones
Source: 720p BluRay x264-DAA
Size: 800MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 6:33 AM
Sinopsis :
The ancient war between humans and a race of giants is reignited when Jack, a young farmhand fighting for a kingdom and the love of a princess, opens a gateway between the two worlds.
Release Date: 1 March 2013 (USA)
Genre: Adventure | Drama | Fantasy
Stars : Nicholas Hoult, Stanley Tucci, Ewan McGregor
Quality: CAM
Size: 450MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
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| at 6:28 AM
Sinopsis :
In an innocent heartland city, five are shot dead by an expert sniper. The police quickly identify and arrest the culprit, and build a slam-dunk case. But the accused man claims he’s innocent and says “Get Jack Reacher.” Reacher himself sees the news report and turns up in the city. The defense is immensely relieved, but Reacher has come to bury the guy. Shocked at the accused’s request, Reacher sets out to confirm for himself the absolute certainty of the man’s guilt, but comes up with more than he bargained for.
Release Date: 21 December 2012 (USA)
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Stars : Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike and Richard Jenkins
Quality: R6 720p
Size: 850MB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 7:04 AM
Sinopsis :
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons,” a fantasy action comedy produced by Stephen Chow, tells the story of a world full of demons where people’s lives are miserable. A young man named Xuan Zang bears the undaunted spirit of “sacrificing one’s own interest for the sake of others,” making pig monster and Sun Wukong his disciples and helping them remold themselves. Finally, Xuan Zang himself also feels the authentic meaning of “big love.” To save the commoners from their miserable lives and redeem their own evil, Xuan Zang and his three disciples unhesitatingly embark on the journey to the West.
Release Date: 7 February 2013 (China)
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy
Stars : Chi Ling Chiu, Chrissie Chow, Min Hun Fung
Quality: 720p HDRip
Size: 800MB
Subtitle: English,China HardSub
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| at 6:47 AM
Sinopsis :
A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger.
Release Date: 21 November 2012 (USA)
Genre: Adventure | Drama
Stars : Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain
Quality: BluRay 720p
Size: 1GB
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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| at 5:53 AM
SEO is the most important thing you have to keep in mind when you start blogging. Optimizing your content and using the right keywords can bring you huge benefits and also it can make your job a lot easier and fun. SEO is very complex and it has lots of adapters, finding keywords for your content is without a doubt one of the most important things when we talk about SEO.
Even though keywords are very important, not many people know how to find best combination in order to get best results. The keywords research is very important for PPC campaings too and that means lots of money can easily be earned by doing a good keyword research.
Today, in this tutorial I’m going to show you how to find best SEO keywords the easy way. It is pretty obvious that we need some tools in order to succed. The next 5 tools are in the top of my keywords generators.
Whit each of the tools below, you have to start with a main keyword which is related to your website niche. In this example I will use “design” as a main keyword.
1. The Google Wonder Wheel – Find Topics to Write About
Google is not only the best search engine there is, Google can also help you to find the most relevant and successful topics and keywords in order for you to get the results you want no matter what your niche is. The Google Wonder Wheel is a tool available on the main search page on Google. It can be activated using the “Show Options” bar. The Wonder Wheel will create ramifications from your base keywords and it will display you related topics in a tree form.(As you can see in the picture above).
This Tool is used even by Darren Rowse from Problogger.net . You can also view the video created by him atproblogger.
2. Google Adwords Keyword Tool – Best For PPC Campaings
Is a well known fact about how powerful the Google Adwords system is and also how many people around the world are using this service. The Google Team has also developed a powerful keyword research tool designed to help you find best keywords for your Adwords Campaings and also help PPC users to select niche keywords for their websites. The tool has many useful features, but the most important in my opinion is the CPC feature available in the “Choose columns to display” menu after you search for the keyword. This feature displays the Cost Per Click (CPC) for that keyword or phrase.
Another very important factor is the Global Monthly Search Volume which helps you to determine how much searches were made for a specific keyword and helps you to see if that keyword worth your attention or not.
3. Word Tracker
A simple yet very powerful Keyword researching tool. Is great and very relevant so you will get great results. The Wordtracker tool is free, but you can also use the Premium version which costs $59. You should keep in mind that Word Tracker tool is optimized for best results using the search engines available in US so WordTracker is based on searches made by people leaving in US.
To use word tracker for best results you should enter a keyword or phrase and click the “Hit Me” button. The results will be a list of most searched related keywords and phrases to your one. On the right you will see the number of searches generated for that keyword. Like I said, WordTracker statistics are based on information collected from search engines from US.
4. Keyword Spy
Keyword Spy is not just a great tool for obtaining the best keywords for your articles, but it has the power to bring you the information you need in order to smash your competition and get better and better. Another great thing is that Keyword Spy is free to use and you can also search for Domains, Destination URLs and Ad Copies.
Another thing special at Keyword Spy is that it allows you to see more relevant statistics about PPC competitors which is a feature I haven’t seen on other keyword research tools and it is very important for PPC users.
5. WordStream
With a database of more than 1 billion high rated and popular keywords, WordStream is the ultimate source of free Keywords designed to help you build the content you want. WordStream also allows you to export a list, a huge list of keywords containing more than a thousand of niched words.
You can also check the list of most recommended keywords research tools available created by the SEO experts from SEO Book. They have explained keyword research and how to use it effectively in a short videohere.
I also recommend using the hot searches available for most popular search engines. AOL Hot Searches, Google Trends and Zeitgeist, MSN Search Insider and of course Yahoo! Buzz Index.
Before starting using any of the tools in this article, I really recommend you to start brainstorming and write some random keywords related to your niche so that you can create an idea about what you want.
That’s it! Enjoy the tools and start improving the SEO for your website right now.
| at 5:39 AM
Sinopsis :
Kehidupan Laisa dan keluarganya di Lembah Lahambay tidak mudah. Sebagai anak tertua dari lima bersaudara, Laisa harus merawat ibu dan adik-adiknya, Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, dan Yashinta. Mereka semua bekerja keras, mulai dari menyadap karet di hutan, mengambil kayu, menganyam topi pesanan dll.
Dengan keadaan seadanya dan fisik tak terlalu sempurna, Laisa membawa perubahan bagi keluarganya dan warga kampungnya. Laisa mengubah ladang mereka menjadi perkebunan stroberi. Ketika Dalimunthe harus menikah melangkahi Laisa, Dalimunthe merasa sangat bersalah. Dalimunthe dan semua orang sibuk menjodohkan Laisa tanpa memikirkan perasaan Laisa yang sakit setiap kali perjodohan itu gagal.
Dharma, salah satu teman Dalimunthe yang membuat perasaan Laisa tak karuan, kenyataannya masih beristri. Istri Dharma yang tidak bisa memberikan keturunan merelakan Dharma menikah lagi. Laisa merasa dibohongi. Dharma minta maaf bila dia telah menyakiti hati Laisa. Hari pernikahan pun mulai disiapkan. Tapi menjelang hari bahagia itu tiba, Dharma mendapat kabar bahwa istrinya hamil. Kabar yang membahagiakan bagi Dharma tapi meruntuhkan semua harapan Laisa. Laisa kembali menyibukkan diri di perkebunannya, berusaha tampil seperti tak ada apa-apa.
Info: Film Indonesia
Release Date: 6 December 2012
Genre: Drama
Cast: Nirina Zubir, Nino Fernandez, Nadine Chandrawinata, Henidar Amroe, Rizky Hanggono, Chantiq Schagerl, Mike Lewis
Quality: VCDRip
Subtitle: -
Trailer: http://youtu.be/dP2_EVt9yMQ
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